Founded in 2000 by Attilio Giaquinto, G*AA is a Turin-based architecture and interior design studio committed to and specialized in proposing customized, functional, unique and never standardized projects. Each project is designed to meet the specific needs and personality of each client by addressing solutions and themes from the urban to the interior design scale. The firm is involved in architectural design, urban planning, urban redevelopment, concept-design and interior design.
We are an integrated, innovative architecture firm with values and technical quality and performance standards attentive to the challenges of climate change and the needs of the context.
Each of our projects is the result of continuous research in the areas of innovation and sustainability. We firmly believe that good design should have a vision oriented toward the future and the well-being of the people who live in it, creating environments that provide a rewarding and positive living experience.
Our philosophy is based on the ability to combine creativity and technique to produce concrete works that are environmentally friendly and designed for people.
The goal is to actively contribute to changes in the quality of the environment we live in as education for change and urban development with sustainable and innovative solutions.
The firm offers expertise and professionalism of an evolving qualified team with diverse technical experience in each design area.
Our evolving team has extensive experience in various project areas. We are joined and collaborate with interdisciplinary professionals, experts in structural engineering, environmental engineering, sustainability and safety specialists, in order to ensure integrated solutions that are both innovative and quality.
Our experience and training, combined with constant updating, enable us to "architect the dreams" of those who rely on us with confidence, creating projects that are a concrete manifestation of the vision and aspirations of those who commission them.

Our vision is to become one of the most prominent and internationally recognized architectural firms for architectural quality. We want to be recognized as a leader in the field, both for our ability to create innovative, high-level projects and for our reputation for reliability and professionalism. We aspire to work with prestigious clients, real estate companies and hotel chains, creating projects that leave an indelible mark on the architectural landscape.
Our mission is to create unique, high-quality architectural spaces customized to meet the needs and desires of our clients. We are committed to ensuring that each project is completed on time and on budget, exceeding expectations and delivering results of excellence. We are driven by a passion for architecture and a desire to create distinctive buildings that blend harmoniously with their surroundings.

Our team consists of experienced and creative professionals committed to architectural design and innovative projects. With a multidisciplinary approach, the team ensures tailored solutions, combining functionality and aesthetics for every design need.

Attilio Giaquinto
Architect - Founder of G*AA
Attilio Giaquinto, a native of Turin, graduated from the Polytechnic University of Turin, one of Italy's most prestigious universities. During his studies, he had the opportunity to attend courses at the renowned campus designed by Alvar Aalto in Finland. Later, he earned a Master's degree in Materials and Interior Design in Milan, further enriching his taste and perspective. Attilio was among the first Italian architects to earn an MBA from ESCP Europe, one of the best business schools in Europe.
In 2000, he founded with his father Giorgio Giaquinto the firm GAA / Giaquinto Architetti Associati. His combination of tradition, innovation and advanced technology has enabled him to work on projects ranging from architecture to interior design, project management and construction, working with prestigious clients such as Giorgio Armani, Iginio Massari and Corinne Hofmann
Currently, Attilio works on international projects around the world, combining cutting-edge materials with clean forms and innovative solutions in both interior and exterior design.
Combining tradition, know-how, innovation and advanced technology, Attilio Giaquinto's projects range from architecture to interior design, project management, construction and safety coordination for private homes, flagship stores of major brands, offices, public buildings and industrial facilities. He has worked with ESCP on the design of educational buildings in Turin and London. Today, he works on international projects, combining cutting-edge materials with innovative solutions and a contemporary language.

Joseph Doto
Chief Operating Officer

Chiara Cattaneo
Administrative Manager

Chiara Abrami
Project Leader

Richard Barbarossa
Project Leader

Mauro Camagna
Project Leader

Alberto La Porta
Project Leader

Benedetta Milanesi
Project Leader

Claudia Tinivella
Project Leader

Paola Berta

Ivano Pachetti

Sara Raimondo

Mattia Nebbiolo

Mariangela Linguerri

Sarah Elena Pischedda

Edmundo Chidiac

Fabio Marcon

Giancarlo dell'Aquila

Silvia Marchese

Denis Faruku

Enrico Ciarambino

Matthew Malandrino
Visual & Graphic Designer

Tolunay Karakas
Visual & Graphic Designer
They have collaborated with us

George Giaquinto
Architect - Founder of G*AA
Giorgio Giaquinto (Genoa,1941) architect and founder of Studio G*AA, Giaquinto Architetti Associati.
- 1969 - Studio Giaquinto was founded, focusing on public works and the design of large commercial and industrial facilities.
- 1968 - Graduates from the Polytechnic University of Turin, Faculty of Architecture, Degree with a thesis on thin vaults.

Giaquinto Architetti Associati S.r.l. (also GAA s.r.l.), a Single-member Architecture Company (hereinafter abbreviated as "GAA" and/or "Company") intend to adopt this Code of Business Ethics (hereinafter also abbreviated as "Code"), which contains the general principles of fairness, transparency, legality and moral integrity; these principles are an indispensable prerequisite for the performance of activities and the achievement of the productive, economic and social objectives pursued by the Company.
Specifically, this Code of Business Ethics defines:
- rules of conduct, in relations with external operators, collaborators, consultants, the market and the environment, to which the Company provides information about its activities (internal and external), demanding compliance by all those involved (partners, employees, collaborators, consultants and - to the extent of their competence - external operators);
- rules of organization and management of professional activities, in order to achieve an effective and efficient system aimed at planning, execution and control of activities, capable of ensuring constant compliance with the rules of conduct by preventing their violation by any person acting on behalf of the Company.
This document is not intended to be a tool for resolving disputes of any kind, but is meant to be a reference point for each practitioner and a reminder to adhere to basic ethical principles in the daily conduct of their work.
2. Dissemination and updating
This Code has been widely disseminated within GAA and is available to any of the Company's stakeholders. It is also published on GAA's web page.
Each partner, employee, collaborator and consultant of GAA is required to know and comply with the rules contained in this Code. Through the use of appropriate information, prevention and control tools, GAA closely monitors compliance with the Code and, if necessary, takes corrective action. The Code of Business Ethics has been drafted on the basis of the Guidelines issued by Confindustria pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001, as amended and supplemented, on the subject of "Administrative Responsibility of the Company" and may be amended and/or supplemented at any time if the need arises.
3.1 Competition
GAA 's corporate policy is based on principles of free and fair competition.
All actions put in place for the performance of professional activities are aimed at obtaining competitive results that reward the efficiency, skills, and experience of resources.
GAA and its collaborators must maintain proper conduct in business affairs of company interest, with particular reference to relations with external stakeholders, whether private or public operators. Any action that could alter fair competition is prohibited for any person acting on behalf of GAA and contrary to company policy. In addition, the pursuit of the company's interest does not justify conduct (of partners, employees, collaborators and consultants) that does not comply with the rules of this Code and respect mandatory regulations.
In any communication with the outside world, information regarding the company and its activities must be truthful, clear and verifiable.
3.2 Relationships
3.2.1 External stakeholders
The relations and relationships that the Company undertakes with any interlocutor, public or private, are based on principles of fairness, transparency and verifiability. In particular, with regard to relations with the public administration, the Company proposes and shares compliance with the rules dictated by the code of conduct for public employees. Therefore, forms of gifts that may appear as exceeding normal business practices or courtesy and in any case aimed at acquiring favorable treatment in the conduct of professional activity are not allowed.
With regard to representatives or employees of public administrations, the pursuit and establishment of personal relationships of favor, influence and interference suitable for directly or indirectly influencing the outcome of the relationship are prohibited.
Offers of goods or other utilities to representatives, officials or employees of public administrations, including through intermediaries, are also prohibited, unless they are gifts of modest value, conforming to custom and as long as they cannot be understood as aimed at seeking undue favors. GAA does not distribute contributions, advantages or other benefits to political parties and workers' trade union organizations (or their representatives), except in accordance with the general principle of transparency and in any case in compliance with the applicable regulations on the subject.
3.2.2 Customers and Clients
GAA 's policy is based on excellence in the quality of services rendered to be understood as the goal of full satisfaction of customers and other parties to whom the activity itself is addressed according to the principles of diligence, competence, professionalism, fairness and transparency.
Customer satisfaction monitoring data are constantly reviewed with the goal of continuous improvement under the regulations for corporate quality.
In relations with customers, GAA ensures fairness and clarity in business negotiations and in the assumption of contractual obligations, as well as faithful and diligent contractual performance. When participating in tenders and as part of private business negotiations, GAA carefully assesses the appropriateness and feasibility of the services requested, paying particular attention to the technical and economic conditions, detecting potential anomalies where possible.
All bids are processed in full compliance with quality standards, employee salary levels, and current safety and environmental protection measures.
GAA does not resort to litigation except in the specific cases when its legitimate claims do not find due satisfaction in the interlocutor.
As part of any negotiations, GAA avoids situations in which those involved are or could potentially appear to be in a conflict of interest.
3.2.3 Suppliers
Relationships with GAA suppliers (including consulting, financial contracts, etc.) are governed by the rules of this Code and are subject to constant and careful monitoring by the Company.
It should be noted that GAA makes use of suppliers and subcontractors who operate in accordance with current regulations and the rules set forth in this Code. The selection of suppliers and the determination of purchasing conditions are therefore based on an objective assessment of the quality, price of the services required, and the ability to provide and guarantee services in a timely manner at a level appropriate to the needs of the Company.
Under no circumstances shall one supplier be preferred over another on the basis of personal relationships, favoritism or advantages other than those inherent in the exclusive interest and benefit of the Company.
4. Environment
In consideration of the rights of future generations, the environment is a primary asset that GAA is committed to safeguarding. When promoting, planning, or contracting the design of construction projects, the Company plans its activities by seeking a balance between economic initiatives and unavoidable environmental needs.
GAA is therefore committed to improving the environmental and landscape impact of its activities, as well as preventing risks to people and the environment not only in compliance with current regulations.
GAA is committed to spreading and consolidating among all its members, collaborators, consultants, subcontractors and Clients a culture of environmental protection and pollution prevention, developing risk awareness and promoting responsible behavior by all those involved.
4.1 Labor
Human resources are the main factor in the success of any business venture. GAA promotes a framework of mutual loyalty and trust between employer, employees, contractors and consultants. Workers are managed with the utmost respect for the contractual regulations of their sector, tax, social security and insurance regulations.
GAA will provide its employees and/or contractors and/or applicants with equal employment opportunities, without discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sexual orientation, disability, national origin, or any other characteristic that is protected by the laws and regulations to which GAA is subject.
Disparities are not considered discrimination if they can be justified on the basis of objective criteria.
GAA, including through the conduct of training initiatives, promotes the continuous improvement of the professionalism of its employees, collaborators and consultants.
In addition and within the scope of its possibilities, GAA is committed to ensuring that all partners, employees, collaborators and consultants, as well as the staff of other companies or professionals with whom activities should be carried out in common or between them coordinated (even temporarily), observe constant compliance with the laws and regulations in force, as well as with the organizational and procedural rules adopted, with particular reference to those expressly provided for in the model of organization, management and control for the prevention of the commission of crimes.
4.2 Safety and Health
GAA is committed to achieving working conditions that are functional for the protection of the psycho-physical integrity, health of workers and respect for their moral responsibility, avoiding discrimination, unlawful conditioning and undue hardship. The Company carries out its activities under technical, organizational and economic conditions that enable it to ensure adequate accident prevention in a safe and healthy working environment.
GAA spreads the culture of "safety" internally by developing risk awareness and promoting prevention responsibilities and activities by all members, employees, contractors and consultants.
4.3 Countering Gender-based Violence and Harassment in the Workplace
GAA strongly condemns all forms of harassment, sexual and gender-based violence perpetrated in the corporate environment.
Personnel who believe they have been subjected to harassment or discrimination may report what has happened to the Company's management, which will assess the actual violation of this Code.
Disparities are not considered discrimination if they can be justified on the basis of objective criteria.
In order to prevent the occurrence of all possible forms of harassment and violence in the workplace GAA adopts the following set of deterrent rules and behaviors aimed at maximizing the protection of its employees and/or collaborators:
- Consolidation of a bias-free work environment, respecting the professionalism of each person involved in the company's professional reality;
- Condemnation of all forms of slander, defamation, false accusations, and discriminatory behavior engaged in by anyone who is part of the business reality of GAA;
- Reporting, prosecuting and sanctioning all forms of harassment and violence to the relevant authorities;
- Material and psychological assistance to the eventual victim of abuse.
5.1 Prevention
In compliance with current regulations and with a view to planning and managing business activities aimed at efficiency, fairness, transparency and quality of the services rendered, GAA uses organizational and management measures appropriate to prevent unlawful conduct or in any case contrary to the guidelines of this Code by any person acting on its behalf. Given the complex organization in sectors subdivided by discipline, GAA adopts a system of delegation of powers and functions, providing in explicit and specific terms for the assignment of tasks to persons with suitable capacity and competence.
5.2 Controls
GAA adopts specific ways of controlling the compliance of the conduct of anyone acting on its behalf with the rules of conduct of this Code and the provisions of current regulations.
5.3 Sanctions
Compliance by employees, collaborators and consultants of the Company with the rules of this Code of Business Ethics must be considered an essential part of contractual obligations pursuant to Article 2104 of the Civil Code. Conversely, violation of the rules of the Code by all the above-mentioned resources may constitute a breach of the primary obligations of the employment relationship or a disciplinary offence, with all legal consequences.
2020 ClimateHouse Award 2020 / Golden Cube